Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wear Have You Been?

Bad pun on my part (Wear = Where). Sorry, I have a glass of wine in my system and it's hump day people! It's been 3 months since my last post, which is sad. However, I have an excuse - I got a full time job so my waking hours are don't belong to me anymore.

For what it is worth, and for who is still interested and listening, I have come across some things that I want to share.

First of all, I can't even stand these seedling books from koshikawachi (in a good way). This has my name written all over it - if of course my name was Koshi Kawachi (thinking of having Mazie calling me Koshi instead of mommy).

Shoot - baby just work up. Blog post to be continued....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ocean Inspired Necklace

This morning Jeff, Mazie and I went wave watching at the beach (this is almost a daily thing for us these days). I was looking at the seashells on the sand and became inspired to find some for jewelry making, which led me to this seashell dusting necklace I found at Oye Modern. The best thing about this necklace is that is also doubles as a sparkly neck duster when the shell is tapped! I just love accessories with functions.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Relaxing Weekend Soundtrack

Even though we have several engagements to attend all weekend long (a.k.a craziness), I'm going to keep this Beach House song in my head and pretend I'm floating on a cloud above a chocolate factory.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Nail Polish Colors

As my sister noticed recently, it is time for me to paint my nails. My color of choice for the past couple of years has been a fire engine red, but now I'm thinking of going soft for spring. I found this great line of polish colors from uslu airlines - a cosmetics company out of Berlin.

I'm loving this pale blue color called ZRH and how about the cool package design? Nice stuff. Now, I just need a job so I can afford a $24 bottle of polish. Good Times!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just What the Doctor Ordered

Photo: Jason Nocito and used from Anti-

Sorry I couldn't resist the title. Ok, so I'm thinking that the new Dr. Dog will be on heavy rotation this summer, especially if Jeff and I are able to make a road trip back to the pacific northwest (was that supposed to be capitalized?).

Shadow People is the first song released off their new album called Shame, Shame (due out April 9th) and I LOVE it. Looking forward to compiling new songs/albums for this upcoming summer's soundtrack. Of course Dr. Dog is at the top of the list.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Polyvore Anyone?

Well, I started writing this post about wallets and (just like shoes) how I have such a hard time finding them. As I was browsing sites looking for some vintage inspired wallets, I came across Polyvore (BTW - I'm crossing my fingers that I am not the last person on earth to hear about this website!!!).

Polyvore lets you create or browse mixed and matched outfits created from online stores. Love this! What I find even more wonderful is that I can find "like-minded" ladies out there who share my taste in clothing, music, visuals, coffee....etc - like this set from Bethiesue08. You can even add music to the set to complete the feel of the outfit. Just lovely.

I think I have found my new online addition. Can't wait to try my hand at styling an outfit.

Friday, March 5, 2010

What To Wear To A Summer Wedding


ow adorable is this dress for sale right now at Ramona West!? Would love to wear this to a couple of summer weddings that I'm attending. I'll keep you posted on my dress search.

Also, if you are interested in customizing up your blog with cool drop caps, then check out Daily Drop Cap, they post a different letter each day and give the html so you can use it in your blog. How sweet.